I think we're all searching for something.
I've been traveling a lot lately. Looking, listening, trying to find the threads that tie our stories together. I care about people above all else, and I hope that that's evident in every word that I write, record and release.
For the last year, I've been working on my new album, A Place You Can't Find. It's an exploration of what it means to be a Black American. It explores our experiences, our worries, our fears, through the music and ideas and images that are found in American mythology.
I'm not here to preach at anyone. I'm not here to lament the "state of this" or the "future of that". All I want to do is make music. Maybe along the way I'll find love. Maybe I'll get to the root of human existence. Maybe I won't. Maybe there's a kid out there who needs to hear what I have to say. Hopefully I can help them begin to understand themselves.
Hopefully you find what you're looking for
Love Always,